beans and susagesgesf,fffss
beans and susagesgesf,fffss
carlito stole the fucking spinach
this is how I Pwn noobz!!!!!1
fuCC YEah WatS u'rre Gam0rTagw~~!@?????
Very nice
Love how fluid everything is, if that's down to tweening then meh, you used it well so who cares.
The anal intrusion from the hammer at the end was awesome.
only the intro and the end are tweened. 99% of the actiony sequences are fbf.
I fucking love the blood and the car scene was always super k00L!!!
I voted 6 LOLZ XD!!!11
loL XDF!!@R#TG$R
That was great. It was pretty hilarious, the facial expressions and the sound add a lot to the humour, I lol'd when the teacher reached into his ass to find the paper aeroplane, the squishy sounds added to it well. I look forward to a second, if you're not too busy/lazy to make one.
Never too busy/lazy for you, my friend.
Really boring
Come up with some of your own ideas next time.
I agree asdfasda
Woah ho-ho..
Long time no speak, Alpha. You did an amazing job with this, I can imagine it took a lot of time to do and I think you're great at FBF animation ;D
took a month. lol
My ass imploded
That was fucking great, you did a good job due to the fact your pc was shitty like mine
Yeah. I ended up having to port the thing on my laptop just to export it.
England, UK
Joined on 11/7/06